Monday, August 27, 2007

Been Awhile

And is back! Check it out, I spent a good month creating what I think is the best design I have yet to make. I hope you like it!

Other things going on... not much, school started two weeks ago, it's pretty good. Don't like my Spanish class, but hey, 1 year of Spanish is better than none for applying for colleges (eek... scary thought... college). Anyways... I love Band (of course), and yearbook, and what I think I will be doing for my Senior Project.

Well, I better get going, later!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

And a few days later...

Not much else has happened since I last posted. The most is that we are getting the loan in the next week, and getting my car as soon as we do! So I can't wait for that.

Thursday I went over to Hannah's, which was fun, and then to Youth Group. She left during Youth Group to go to Vacaville, but her dad decided not to until Friday morning, so... After Youth Group, I went over to Stephen's house for awhile, and we played games, talked, and all that jazz. Nancy gave me a 3-d puzzle, since I love them, so I was excited about that, and have been putting it together (no where near finished though).

Tomorrow, we are getting my neighbors chihuahua, which can fit in your hand, for a few weeks, since she is going to her mom's. Another thing I am excited about, as Dovie is so friendly to people.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

First Week of Summer

Tomorrow I am going to the dentist, yay! Not... Oh well.

Guess I should start from Friday, the day after school got out.

Friday, June 8th, I didn't do much today, and then I went to graduation, which was a complete waste of time. It wasn't anything special, and it was very short. I would have thought it should have taken a lot longer. Oh well, I will miss everyone who I was friends with who graduated.

Sunday, June 10th, today was Stephen's birthday party, we all had a blast. Sarah couldn't come though, she left for D.C. yesterday. It was very fun, but I learned something about myself, if I am not in control of driving at night when it's somebody I haven't been driving with my whole life, I have to stay watching the road for anything bad that might happen. That's okay though, just shows how safe I am when it comes to driving. Before that, though, we went bowling, played video games, did another round of bowling, then left to go eat. Dinner was amazing! We ate at this 50's diner, and it was the best burger I have ever ate. The waitress was really nice also, everyone was talking to her. Then we went to the park, which was funny, the grocery mart, and home. Though, on our way back, we stopped on the side of the road to eat Stephen's cake... I didn't have any, I was too full from that burger!

Monday, June 11th, did nothing, sat around on the computer all day. At least my website is turning out really nice! I can't wait for people to start having access to it.

Tuesday, June 12th, woke up very late, seeing I went to bed at 5 in the morning last night (or should I say this morning). Still doing nothing.. Working more on my website, which I am very happy about. My parents brought up Summer Band, which reminds me how I can't wait for it to start!

Which leads up to today. This morning, I didn't have any plans in mind when I woke up, just thought it would be a casual day. Was I wrong. About an hour after waking up, my dad wants to go look at cars for me! I was very excited. We looked through a ton of cars, and my dad is gong to be getting me a Chrysler Sebring. It drove really nice,
and I can't wait to get it in the next couple weeks! Later, though, I was talking to Hannah, and she had to give something back to Stephen, so I was still talking to her when she went over to his house, and then we hung up.. and then Elaina was going to come over, so they ended up hanging out. I just wish I lived in town so I could at least do stuff like that... it sucks living out here all alone. Once Sarah gets back though, we will show them how it feels to be left out.... (just kidding, not really, but we wouldn't do it just for that reason).

Anyways, I am right now talking to Hannah on the phone, so it feels kinda weird writing this. I will get back to writing in the next couple days!